For those of you who are thinking you might like to try the therapeutic delights of hand piecing, I'm sharing some thoughts of my latest effort, a Lone Star design table pad. There are easier methods to construct a Lone Star, but since I wanted to use my
CherryWood fabric, and since it would be a small piece, I wanted to use the best workmanship. Actually, the real reason is that I'm very vain. I knew folks could get a real good view as tot whether or not the points were meeting at that close angle! (Tee-hee). Seriously, sometimes I just long to sit and do some handwork, so this is my project.
I first cut strips of fabric, 2 3/4" wide, then cut 60 degree diamonds from the strips. I then cut a template from plastic to draw around (yes, I drew the seam lines on each diamond, Virginia) and it measures 2 1/8" between parallel sides. Not sure how I came up with those measurements in the beginning, but it is what it is!
To get exacting piecing, I first stabbed a pin at one seam line end through the pencil line, then down to the under layer. Repeat for the other end of the seam line. After the two ends were positioned, I pinned on the seam line a couple of pins, again pinning through the pencil lines on both layers.

After joining pairs in this manner, I used the same basic technique to join multiple pieces together, by stabbing pins through the end points and pinning the seam lines in between. I did save most pressing for last--it is helpful that once you begin pressing to alternate the direction you press the seams so you don't wind up with a wad of fabric layers in one spot due to multiple layers of seam allowances.

The backing is constructed of 6 large diamonds
rather than a whole cloth piece. Since I intended to quilt almost to the edge, then turn under the edge to the back instead of binding, I foresaw that a wholecloth piece of fabric was going to be a problem and the inside "V's" of the outer edge. By piecing the backing, the seam allowances of the backing provided the solution of how to handle that area. Finished table top is about 42" wide at tip to tip of start.